Greetings from the Director
The VR Advertising Psychology Research Institute is promoting practical advertisement promotion research in a wide field covering advertising, psychology, etc. as the only research center of VR advertising psychology in Japan .
Our laboratory was established under the jurisdiction of PASSIONE CO., LTD. On March 19, 2018.
In order to disseminate research results to society, we conduct collaborative research in cooperation with universities and companies, commissioned research, etc, proactively advancing technology transfer to intellectual property etc. to industry, and conduct leading research in a wide range of fields.
Aiming at “VR technology mission” which is the mission of the VR advertising psychology laboratory aiming strongly conscious of social responsibility while treating the rich idea of researchers, we promote effective and efficient management I look forward to it.
Linking the knowledge of VR technology to the promotion of new value advertisement, to demonstrate the practical power of “VR more easy to use” which is the policy of the VR advertising psychology laboratory, and collaborating with domestic and overseas related organizations.We will also contribute to the international community.
by Kenichiro Moriya
・ 代表 守屋 謙一郎
・Director – Kenitiro Moriya